Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps
I want to introduce myself and i posibly if i can be respected
Hey yo pplz wazzup? My name is Adrian, 15 years old and i just got the summer hollyday...well, 3 more days till it arrives :P .
The "Random" servers u are running are great and also updated and the iare first server i ever visited in Gmod...others are crap -.- .
I want to be respected so i can have accest to the other tools also so i can creat new exiciting and cool things. I badly need the stacker tool xD but i can use Weld- Easy for that.
First of all i want to shake your hands (kiss fands for girls) and be friends...don't ask me how to be friends on Gmod cuz i don't know even now O_O .
Hmmm...and for the mingebags...except of voteban or votekick, lets be mingebags with them, killing them, traping them, messing with their inventions and so on...
My name on the server is: Base_Marinarul or Battlestar
Hi Adrian, I know we got off on the wrong foot. But there's no reason we can't put that behind us.
Thanks for the good comments about the servers. I know coolzeldad will appreciate it, he does everything in his power to keep them up and running smoothly. A lot of people don't seem to understand just how much work goes on behind the scenes just keeping the servers operational and up to date. Let alone fixing bug's, and countless other issues that arise.
Anyway. I've seen you in game almost daily this past week. I'll probably see you tomorrow and grant you respected status. If not, give an admin in-game the URL to this forum topic.
Have fun, and play nice. ;)
Yeah, without Minic or Ruben, you'd be thinking the same thing about these servers that you did about the others ;P
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