Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps

oh god how did this get up here

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Boat Sinker:

--- Quote from: StashHouse on April 19, 2010, 05:12:43 PM ---THAT WAS DELICIOUS.


Welcome. Welcome to City 17 RND.

You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our the finest remaining urban centers online communities.

I thought so much of City 17 RND that I elected to establish my Administration membership and respected rights here in the Citadel forums so thoughtfully provided by our benefactors admins.

I have been proud to call City 17 RND my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, welcome to City 17 RND.

It's safer here.

(This very creative and original welcome speech was thought out be me.) :)

--- End quote ---

haha that made my day


ummm k guys hate to break up your funny memes (lol welcome to rnd) but.... WHAT ABOUT HIS APPLICATION! lmao yea ive played with vaporware gamma he's not a minge vapor you should add some more info like what you like and dislike and what not ;D.

lol i am gonna send magik msg about his app.


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