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I feel terrible, and want to deeply apologize...
Proudly Infected:
Dear UnknownCracker,
(I hope that's correct)
I feel extremely bad for accidentally starting a votekick on you. It was a complete accident. You weren't doing anything wrong.
This isn't just to unknowncracker, To the general chat readers, I want to just apologize for making myself look like an asshole respected abusing my privileges..
From now on, I will only voteban/votekick if there aren't any other respected on (unfortunately that's often) but I will give from now on a VERY leniant amount of warnings before any action is done. I'm apologizing for my mingy actions.
- proudly infected. :/
» Magic «:
--- Quote from: Proudly Infected on April 18, 2010, 07:20:31 PM ---Dear UnknownCracker,
(I hope that's correct)
I feel extremely bad for accidentally starting a votekick on you. It was a complete accident. You weren't doing anything wrong.
This isn't just to unknowncracker, To the general chat readers, I want to just apologize for making myself look like an asshole respected abusing my privileges..
From now on, I will only voteban/votekick if there aren't any other respected on (unfortunately that's often) but I will give from now on a VERY leniant amount of warnings before any action is done. I'm apologizing for my mingy actions.
- proudly infected. :/
--- End quote ---
Thanks for apologising, But, I won't do anything, Because I know you too well :)
Happens to all of us. I accidentaly kicked OSHIT once in Flood because I didn't see that it was his boat.
Proudly is a real good guy.
devvybabe ♥:
Ish okay baby..
People make mistakes.
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