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Drunk Driving.

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Alright so, im sure all of us have got into some trouble here and i just wanted to tell you guys what happend, and i was just kind of pissed with how the cops handled it. Well I was drinking with a couple of my friends, and we had a little too much to drink and decided to drive around. Btw i wasn't the one driving so we ended up getting pulled over, i won't go into detail about how we did.

So there were 3 of us in the car and the driver gets pulled out for a sobriety test and fails terribly, then runs from the cops, i have no idea why and gets tackled.

This is where i get pissed, how are the cops allowed to check my bac (blood alcohol content) when i wasn't driving? This was a while ago but still, the punishment that goes along with this is so annoying, having to take uas and bas, and take classes isn't fun. I can honestly say that was my 2nd time ever getting drunk too.

yea that sux.


Damn. It's gotta suck...

Boat Sinker:

--- Quote from: carphunter963 on April 15, 2010, 09:08:21 AM ---Alright so, im sure all of us have got into some trouble here and i just wanted to tell you guys what happend, and i was just kind of pissed with how the cops handled it. Well I was drinking with a couple of my friends, and we had a little too much to drink and decided to drive around. Btw i wasn't the one driving so we ended up getting pulled over, i won't go into detail about how we did.

So there were 3 of us in the car and the driver gets pulled out for a sobriety test and fails terribly, then runs from the cops, i have no idea why and gets tackled.

This is where i get pissed, how are the cops allowed to check my bac (blood alcohol content) when i wasn't driving? This was a while ago but still, the punishment that goes along with this is so annoying, having to take uas and bas, and take classes isn't fun. I can honestly say that was my 2nd time ever getting drunk too.

--- End quote ---

personally i tihnk its no big deal if you werent the ones driving. they didnt have to take your alcohol % in ur blood, but hey most of the time u just gotta do what police say.  the law is normally on their side, not yours

devvybabe ♥:
Oh yeah that sucks major ass..
I mean it's illegal to even have one can of opened (even empty and old) can of beer in your car and they see it.
But yeah they're always doing that. Anyone in the car (driving or not) will get tested for whatever the cop suspected the driver had.
Most cops are major dickheads to young people.
Mainly because they automatically think we're trouble makers.

Me and a friend of mine were mistakenly arrested for something we didn't do.
Cop handcuffed us and put us in the back of his car driving off to put us in jail.
We had no idea what we did wrong and I was freaking out.
Turns out, two people robbed a local store, a young man and a young woman.
But as he drove off, a call came in that claimed "we have the robbers. They're down at the station"

I was like .....................

So they are pretty unfair towards young people.


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