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Idea to reduce respected newbies/ abusers -discontued idea

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Boat Sinker:
when someone is given respected, there should be one player in our community that personal messages teh person that just got respected.

this pm should congratulate to them that they have successfully became respected. it should include what your duty is as respected. also teh dos and donts of respected: eg. be lenient with people, dont kick for mic spam, etc. 

it should tell them extra information like wear a .:RND`=- tag (optional) to show your status with the servers.

you get the point

basically it should inform the new member what they have to do and that they should proceed with the right actions .

» Magic «:
Fix that up please,

when someone is given admin
when someone is given respected

donts of respected
duties of respected

I voluntteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer, :/

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Kräsher on April 14, 2010, 12:39:53 PM ---I voluntteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer, :/

--- End quote ---

Come to wire, i'll give you admin for a hour, Just to test ;)


--- Quote from: -= Magic =- on April 14, 2010, 12:40:49 PM ---Come to wire, i'll give you admin for a hour, Just to test ;)

--- End quote ---


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