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Above, Under, or at 14 years old?

(1/14) > >>

Sorry, I just HAD to do this. I realized that there are A LOT of 14 year olds on RND, including Me, Krasher, Tomcat, and like two other people whose names I forgot.

Tiger Guy:
I'm 14 ya know!

i, am at least 20 years older than 14 years old.

14 in like 3 months so I just voted I'm at 14

Boat Sinker:

--- Quote from: StashHouse on April 13, 2010, 06:19:19 PM ---Sorry, I just HAD to do this. I realized that there are A LOT of 14 year olds on RND, including Me, Krasher, Tomcat, and like two other people whose names I forgot.

--- End quote ---

how shit tomcat is 14? i thought he was 16 or 17

and im 16 btw


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