Tech Lounge > Mapping
fm_RND :O
Add some canadian moose. Then it would be perfect :)
--- Quote from: jimonions on April 16, 2010, 06:33:21 PM ---I have finished but I've been having pakrat problems. Should I pakrat the .cache file? It seems whenever I do I come up with bad cubemaps and the pink and black squares. Its really annoying because there is nothing anywhere about what to do. Also could someone explain what exactly is the .AIN file.
edit: Cache file stopped screwing up, and im not going to bother retyping this sentence because my keyboard is crap so deal with. I still want to know what the .AIN file is though
--- End quote ---
Let me fix that for you :D
BTW i dont know much about mapping and stuff, but isnt the .ain file needed for the textures and stuff?
Most likely.
» Magic «:
.ain is a cache file for the maps material buffers, You do not need to pakrat it as it is auto-generated to the users current video settings and is automaticaly created upon each run.
Ok but it doesnt matter thati pakrat it anyway right? I added it to all my maps but they still seem to work fine, watev.
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