Entertainment > Anime/Manga Discussion
Youtube, I swear I will....
Depends on what.
What if you Torrent something you have done, and you want people to have it?
Tiger Guy:
Well I guess I'm a convict! :o :o
I have legit steam games though (except for HL1, my only PINGAZ game.)
lol when i even try to edit a video from spongebob for putting swear words they wont let me upload it its just a parody :D ???
Well they still have nigima?! its an ok anime but some parts are better then other you should go to Veoh.com they have lots of anime and if you have an itouch or any phone that has internet you can watch it at veoh.com you dont need a jail broken ipod or anything done to your phone and the best part its FREE!!!!!
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