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Wire build map rotation

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Boat Sinker:
can there be a map rotation on wire build because its pretty boring playing the same map all teh time. i like the current map but it gets bland . SPICE IT UP!

But if some's building some kind of awesome crap, AND SUDDENLY MAP CHANGEZ?! WAT WE GON DO, HUH?! WAT WE GON DO?!?!


--- Quote from: Frank on April 09, 2010, 09:26:00 PM ---But if some's building some kind of awesome crap, AND SUDDENLY MAP CHANGEZ?! WAT WE GON DO, HUH?! WAT WE GON DO?!?!

--- End quote ---
we make a vote...
extend map or change map??

» Magic «:
i agree, but, with more maps on the server = more instability and longer to load

i agree 1 one new map eh magik bna


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