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Parasite server returns? Make it happen!

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Watch video below BEFORE voting!!!
Once upon a time, There was an awesome RND server. This server consisted of humans and infected parasite people. The parasite people were disguised as humans. When the disguised parasite person got close enough to the unsuspecting humans they turn back to original forn and kill them. Sounds like an awesome mode right. Why would anyone get rid of it? Hell if i know. But surely coolz got rid of it a few months back. Wanna see gameplay? I actually made a video for my slightly successful youtube channel. This video was made a long time ago but i still have it.
Garry's Mod - Parasite Mode
I really want this mode back. Together, we can get it back. Please vote  ;)

ye sure wth

+1 we should bring this awesome game mode back.


--- Quote from: Mr.Franklin on April 06, 2010, 11:15:13 PM ---+1 we should bring this awesome game mode back.

--- End quote ---
lol why did you bump this old thread.


--- Quote from: CommanderEddy on April 07, 2010, 01:03:57 AM ---lol why did you bump this old thread.

--- End quote ---

Old O_o?


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