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What's worse than a hacker?

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Boat Sinker:
Answer: a smart hacker.

couple days ago there  was a hacker in flood. he started spawning big ass buildings and used a name changer.
i was asking who was the hacker and some person said.

hahaha you admins are usless. and saying other thinga that conviced teh whole server that he was teh hacker. well i start a vote ban on the guyy and hes saying YES! VOTE YES!

well teh guy gets banned and teh hacking is still going on. someone says : great job you banned an innocent player!

i ended up banning another player because he was saying stuff that also convinced everyone that he was the hacker. he ended up getting banned aswell, but teh hacking was still going on. another guy says: wow you just banned two innocent players!.

i soon to recognize that the hacker would spawn the buildings and was able to control peoples chat (yes we all know that they can do this). and then he would make some one else write: "you just banend an innocent player!" to screw with you.

smart hackers man, you cant stop them

Lol like you said... it's a name changer... so when they're name changes to someone else's and they type something it looks like they're typing it. But the name changes rlllly fast. I know the most simple way of ridding a name changer but if I say how I'm sure I'd have to explain it a million times to idiots and they would just end up baning a normal player anyways. But seriously? You STILL haven't fixed the wheel cheat? Holy shiiz people have been doing it for ever and it's so obvious how to do it, it's not even a hack. This makez meh lulz. But seriously, he's not that smart, he's using a console command and name hack. :/

Boat Sinker:

--- Quote from: SabbathFreak911 on April 04, 2010, 11:30:37 AM ---Lol like you said... it's a name changer... so when they're name changes to someone else's and they type something it looks like they're typing it. But the name changes rlllly fast. I know the most simple way of ridding a name changer but if I say how I'm sure I'd have to explain it a million times to idiots and they would just end up baning a normal player anyways. But seriously? You STILL haven't fixed the wheel cheat? Holy shiiz people have been doing it for ever and it's so obvious how to do it, it's not even a hack. This makez meh lulz. But seriously, he's not that smart, he's using a console command and name hack. :/

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i know the wheel "hack" is actually a wheel , but it can be considered a hack because it takes up half a server LOL and if youre inside it, youre not getting out of it unless you kill urlsef in console; and odds are youll spawn inside it again


--- Quote from: Boat Sinker on April 04, 2010, 11:38:48 AM ---i know the wheel "hack" is actually a wheel , but it can be considered a hack because it takes up half a server LOL and if youre inside it, youre not getting out of it unless you kill urlsef in console; and odds are youll spawn inside it again

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Yes but it's just a console command. And if you have some common sense, you can get out of it. Easily.

you know what i ran into some1 just like that on the sled build he made big ass buildings and was a name changer so i couldent ban him i did eventually but he joined back about 30 minuets because he changed to another account


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