Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps

Hi people, I'm DraX


Some people may know me from the WS server, and you'll see me frequently there 'cause I love that server. Anyway, here are some facts 'bout me.

Name: DraX, sometimes ExBlackDragon if there are mingers that recognize the name "DraX"
SteamID: will get this in later, too lazy to go type status
Friend(s): The Sandvich Is A Spy, RedWire4277, ({IKAZ}) THE EPIC PATTY CAKE, .:!Crona!:. !ScREaCH ALphA!, «[SRG]» Pac-Man and more.
Favourite subject(s): Math.
Age: 14
Birthday: 1996/5/6
Education: School? What? grade9
Builds: Slingshots, houses
Games: Garry's Mod 10 and Team Fortress 2.
Location: Canada
How to contact me: Steam Friends = X46 or DraX


Oh, one more thing. My favorite song is Break by Three Days Grace. Youtube is NicholasTheLugia, and I currently own a Wii and a DS. Wait, was that one thing?

You were lucky that your name is not craX or you'll be banned like facepunch!


--- Quote from: CommanderEddy on April 03, 2010, 10:27:34 PM ---You were lucky that your name is not craX or you'll be banned like facepunch!

--- End quote ---
And Hello there

Your next hkill


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