Other Shiz > Boneyard

Orion Ban Request


SteamID: STEAM_0:0:31395925
Name: Orion
Information: He was speedhacking, general minging, claiming he was a admin and was RDMing.
Server: Trouble in Terrorist Town
Video: http://www.xfire.com/video/26a301/
Witnesses: someguyrandom09, (PP)-P4inKill3r
When: Today about 10 minutes ago

speed hacking never that on the servers before :o
i think he should get perm ban

Either way. Speed hacking doesnt deserve perma. Its just like getting caught by rubans anti cheat script. Voteban the person next time? -.-


--- Quote from: Xexxar on April 03, 2010, 07:34:24 PM ---Either way. Speed hacking doesnt deserve perma. Its just like getting caught by rubans anti cheat script. Voteban the person next time? -.-

--- End quote ---
speed hacking is still unfair because
1:its makes it harder to shot them
2: The Person Using it takes longer to kill because he/she moves to fast
3: Cheats Deserve A Ban


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