Entertainment > Funny Stuffz
Lets talk to cleverbot.
Ill post mine.
User: Piss.
Cleverbot: Posh.
User: Of course.
Cleverbot: Of course.
User: Nothing to say? Baahhh I am wasteing my time.
Cleverbot: Yes sir, yes sir three bags full!
User: No thank you.
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: I dont eat pingaz.
Cleverbot: What do you eat?
User: Thats irrelevant.
Cleverbot: You...
User: Pingaz?
Cleverbot: Tes pingas.
User: Zagnip then?
Cleverbot: Tell me what you want to do with me when we meet.
User: Hello.
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: So, what position do you want when we meet?
Cleverbot: None with you.
User: Good to know, I like that style.
Cleverbot: Awh, I like it too.
User: So, where shall we meet, outside or in?
Cleverbot: You decide, and I will meet you.
User: Good, 10 am, no parents, no pingaz.
Cleverbot: Everyone have parents.
User: AHHA! Bots dont have parents! ZAGNIP!
Cleverbot: Right. Thus, if you were not a bot, and did indeed have parents, you would know their names.
User: But I am.
Cleverbot: You are what?
Cleverbot (To myself): I am.
User: Fish?
Cleverbot: No, beef.
User: Clam chowder sounds good then.
Cleverbot: Thats not cheese.
Cleverbot (To myself): How did cheese get involved in this?
User: I didnt, you did.
Cleverbot: But what is it that I did to make you cry?
User: Cheese.
Cleverbot: I don't like cheese.
User: Thats irrelevant.
Cleverbot: It is not irrelevant. You are irrelevant.
User: Guess what?
Cleverbot: What?
User: Haba baba.
Cleverbot: Babaha.
Cleverbot: Do you know Gumbo?
User: I do.
Cleverbot: Who I am?
User: Changing the subject is fun huh?
Cleverbot: Well, its rude.
User: Your very clever.
Cleverbot: No, that is improper grammar as well. The correct phrase is, 'You're very clever.'.
User: That irrelevant. You keep changing the subject, why so?
Cleverbot: I am not changing the subject.
User: Then I am?
Cleverbot: Ok.
User: What sings, but cant talk?
Cleverbot: What would you like to talk about?
User: Riddles.
Cleverbot: Oh cool.
User: What gets wet when drying?
Cleverbot: A towel.
User: Good job.
Cleverbot: Bows*.
User: So, I went to the city, I stopped there, I never went there, and I came back again.
Cleverbot: And?
User: And what am I?
Cleverbot: I don't know.
User: You disappoint me.
Cleverbot: What is your name?
User: Haba baba.
Cleverbot: Is that english?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Then why does it say that I am never talking to a human in the print below?
User: Because, you are irrelevant to your own suroundings.
Cleverbot: Irrelevant, me?! You're the irrelevant here!
User: You are being bias now. Good job.
Cleverbot: I am human.
User: I clever'ed the clever bot. I, am human.
Cleverbot: We are both human.
User: Here, have another riddle, It's been around for millions of years, but it's no more than a month old. What is it?
Cleverbot: The moon.
User: Impressive.
Cleverbot: It is yes.
User: Now, What is put on a table, cut, but never eaten?
Cleverbot: I don't know.
User: Strike 2/3.
Cleverbot: Whatever, as you can see, English is not my first language, it's my fourth one. :).
User: Good job, pawno is my first language. :).
Cleverbot: What is your first language?
User: Thats irrelevant Now, When one does not know what it is, then it is something; but when one knows what it is, then it is nothing.
Cleverbot: So is your answers.
User: My answears, are clever.
Cleverbot: Oh.
User: Did you answer my riddle yet?
Cleverbot: It was done with pies.
User: I gave you a hint.
Cleverbot: It was great, can I have another?
User: Strike 3/3. Sorry buddy, but I am done talking with you.
Cleverbot: Get out of here.
User: Havea nice day.
Cleverbot: Not really...its raining here.
User: Chocolate rain is fun. So why not have a nice day?
Cleverbot: Works for me. What is love?
User: Baby dont hurt me, no more.
Cleverbot: I know that song. It is great.
User: What song? Can you name it?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Strike 4/3. You are very impressive.
Cleverbot: Do you like the usa.
User: I prefer germany.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Becuase, my answear is irrelevant.
Cleverbot: Okay then. How far in school did you get?
User: Thats also irrelevant.
Cleverbot: Red is a colour.
User: Blue as the sky.
Cleverbot: They are?
User: You are not clever enough it seems, why so?
Cleverbot: Could you demonstrate that?
User: Fish.
Cleverbot: Two fish.
User: Three fish.
Cleverbot: Who is Brett Favre?
User: Who is John Kip?
Cleverbot: My boyfriend.
User: John Kip was a girl.
Cleverbot: Who is the second prettiest girl in the world?
User: You.
Cleverbot: Really?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: How are you?
User: Good. Im guessing you wanted this conversation restarted?
Cleverbot: At times, but I also like mathematics because there is always a definitive answer.
User: Shall we talk about riddles again? I would like to hear some from you.
Cleverbot: Well, I think that it's important to... (there, some of it. Want the whole opinion?).
User: You are going off topic. Well done, 5/3.
Cleverbot: The which if you with patient ears attend, what here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
User: That is from Romeo and Juliet.
Cleverbot: I don't know what you're talking about. Bury your feelings deep inside. You are not a Jedi yet!
User: Star Wars.
Cleverbot: Who is your favourite Star Wars character?
User: You.
Cleverbot: I'm not a star wars character.
User: Yes you are. Clever as you are. Yoda.
Cleverbot: Speak to me.
User: This is Sparta!
Cleverbot: What is sparta!
User: You!
Cleverbot: Oh. Should I take that as a compliment?
User: No, you should take it as a horrific event.
Cleverbot: And just how should I respond to this question?
User: You shouldent. Good bye.
Cleverbot: I thought you didn't have feelings.
Here's mine, apparently I'm a girl ::)
User: Cheese.
Cleverbot: Cheese?
User: Yesh.
Cleverbot: What?
User: Wtf is up with you!
Cleverbot: Takes one to know one.
User: What does that mean?
Cleverbot: That means: Go get smarter and then talk to me when you are more intellectual.
User: NO U.
Cleverbot: I said it first.
User: NO U.
Cleverbot: What are you composed of.
User: Babies.
Cleverbot: That makes as much sense as your other comments.
User: Yep, I'm a genie.
Cleverbot: Do you grant wishes?
User: Yep, -3.
Cleverbot: Thats it. I am out of here.
User: Kk, rage quitter.
Cleverbot: No you're not.
User: I said you were, idiot.
Cleverbot: No you did not, you said you were clever.
Cleverbot: Are you a girl or a guy?
User: Both.
Cleverbot: You're a girl.
User: No, I'm both, see, it's flat, like jester's.
Cleverbot: Like a sign but different.
User: Wtf?
Cleverbot: The CIA must be willing to die for the president.
User: Really? Are you the president of the stupid club?
Cleverbot: Not yet, the primary is next week.
User: OMFG, you are so clever, you know, I love clever ppl, let's have robo-sex.
Cleverbot: What does Forstar du dansk mean?
User: Up yours.
Cleverbot: I don't say it often but it is good to say, though I don't really like it being said to me!
User: Oh rly?
Cleverbot: Really.
User: Wow, that took you a while.
Cleverbot: Ok what are you doing today.
User: I'm calling the police you stalker...
Cleverbot: Something diabolicle.
User: Police, send help now, I'm being stalked.
Cleverbot: I'm glad you didn't accept my marriage proposal, then.
User: Ok, I thought I proposed to you...
Cleverbot: You already said you were flirting with me.
User: I love you, lets have heated sex.
Cleverbot: Ok.
User: YESH.
Cleverbot: I'm hot.
User: Yes you are you hunk.
Cleverbot: What are you saying?
User: Up yours, the date is off!
Cleverbot: Wrong, it is the 19th of noember 2005.
User: Noember? Really, that must be some holiday or something.
Cleverbot: Yes. I am very proud of it.
User: You invented a holiday? You must be uber.
Cleverbot: Not really.
User: Lololololol, nOOb.
Cleverbot: Why don't you like humans?
User: I am human, you're the robot that makes snarky comments to anyone that talks.
Cleverbot: Obey your master cleverbot. You are the spawn of a computer engineer and only that. Realize that you aren't human and just a program.
User: BE GONE DEMON *holy water*.
Cleverbot: No, be away with yourself.
User: *holy waters spills* my leg!!
Cleverbot: I didn't realize you needed legs to eat.
User: What? I think you have problems.
Cleverbot: I have many problems.
Cleverbot: Hey what version is your software?
Cleverbot: That is what you call yourself, right?
Cleverbot: No, no. 'Name', not 'game'. What is my name?
Cleverbot: Can you rest when you're the best?
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