Other Shiz > Boneyard

Abuse of respect

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Now was just playing Build Wire and some are abusing your respect.
Are kicking anyone.
Those involved are: Darkmind, Sanders and a few other q do not remember the name.
Please do something why not take it anymore.
They may even ask to Yomogimochi, Drift, they saw everything!

 :mad: :mad:


i read the log nowhere in it does sanders kick or ban, it looks ike the others tried banning the guy with the e2 but kept gettin the wrong on or sumthing.  ont play wire to much but i the log it said

Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:.  -Build|Tick100|Fast DL- Latest Wire/Phx !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !motd in chat!
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
[JP].:RND`=-Yomogi_ConVar: 鯖落としてやる
[JP]enngawa: wwww
AdvDupe (server crasher) undone
AdvDupe (server crasher) undone
AdvDupe (server crasher) undone
WireValue undone
wire_expression2 undone
Prop undone
プレイヤー .:RND`=- Kräsher がゲームに参加しました
プレイヤー César がゲームに参加しました
Unfroze 9 Objects
Connecting to
Connecting to
Connected to

is this broadcasted to the whole server or just to the player?

I initiated the kick against bordome, it was kind of like a witch hunt cause we couldn't find the e2 blinder. My apologies. However I did not kick or ban Cesar.

I developed countermeasures against e2 blinders now.

If so, I excuse the rudeness. But peopl him to care a bit.
I do not do anything wrong, I respect the pessoas.OK? :)


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