Other Shiz > Boneyard

reporting Jump3R



# 664 "Jump3R" STEAM_0:0:836351967 27:24 247 0 active
 he was minging ofc on flood, i warned him but he could not type somehow maybe cus its a minge who cant type a something i dunnoo
anyways evrytime i try to kick him it kept saying player not found
even through mapchanges and i could kick others
didnt caught him minging cus he was dead
but ill give a screenshot anyway

:o Name changer !

mk when ruben gets on he can take action


--- Quote from: Tomcat on March 30, 2010, 04:46:45 PM ---lol
mk when ruben gets on he can take action

--- End quote ---
i just feel so powerless with the power of the 60minbanhammer


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