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dr.breen is dead D:

(1/9) > >>

 :'( :'(
Robert Culp
August 16, 1930 - March 24, 2010

We were deeply saddened to learn of the death of actor Robert Culp on March 24, 2010. We were fortunate enough to work with Culp during the making of Half-Life 2, when he wrestled invisible headcrabs, expressed a passionate interest in animation, and taught us all how
to bring a character to life from words on a page, as he voiced one of gaming's most beloved villains,
 Dr. Wallace Breen. He will be missed.

I wonder who would voice Dr.Breen out for HL2:EP3


--- Quote from: repN on March 30, 2010, 06:31:08 AM --- :'(
I wonder who would voice Dr.Breen out for HL2:EP3

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Lawl Dr. Breen is dead =D (also in the game)


--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on March 30, 2010, 06:46:35 AM ---Lawl Dr. Breen is dead =D (also in the game)

--- End quote ---
Lol wat ep was that ?

[spoiler]none it wasnt ep1 or 2
just half life 2 at the end[/spoiler]


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