Tech Lounge > Mapping
Source - Lol_run * A map made in 4 minutes be Proudly Infected
Proudly Infected:
Lolz gaiz, I was taking a break from my map zs_hospital and made this in a very short amount of time. Just used my imagination lol.
Source - Lol_run
get back to work lul or i keel you with mapping skeelz
devvybabe ♥:
It seems teh fun for teh lulz.
Since there's a series of "deathmaps", I think there should be a series of "lolmaps"
It doesn't have to be just made by you,
anyone can make a lolmap.
It seems teh fun! for teh lulz
XD lolmaps are meant for the lols.
lulmaps are meant for teh lulz.
Lulmapz. Teh way it's meant to be lul'd.
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