Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps

I am requesting an invite to the rANdOm steam group

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Kaos Theorist:
Also to become Respected.

Name: Kaos Theorist
Steam ID: Kaos_Theorum (note: 'um' instead of 'ist')
Age: 15
Xfire: apollyonx (old username)
Time on: 6-7:20am +12gmt & 3:30-8pm +12gmt weekdays and 10am - 8pm weekends (Times may vary)
Games I play: Borderlands, HL, HL2, Garry's Mod (of course), Portal, TF2 (soon), the occasional MMORPG and UT3 & 2K4.

I usually go on Plain and Wirebuild servers and have gone on sled once...
I spend most of my time on Wirebuild.
I'm sorta new to Wiremod and E2, I experiment with them when I can and
I would like to become respected because I want help defend the rANdOm servers (well, the ones I go on) from minges and also for extra access to sTools (e.g. hoverboard :))

So NOW please may I be accepted and Respected?

Edit: "moar info !"

Tomcat: Needs moar info !
repN(me): lol i am okay wif it.


--- Quote from: repN on March 28, 2010, 02:44:37 AM ---Tomcat: Needs moar info !
repN(me): lol i am okay wif it.

--- End quote ---
lol but the respected does need morez info

Kaos Theorist:

--- Quote from: hkill415 on March 28, 2010, 11:13:41 AM ---lol but the respected does need morez info

--- End quote ---

Such as?


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