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ZS Music Replace by Krasher

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--- Quote from: Tomcat on March 29, 2010, 03:26:57 PM ---lol i show you what it looks like in the luas


--- Code: ----- Set this to true if you want your admins to be able to use the 'noclip' concommand.
-- If they already have rcon then it's pointless to set this to false.

-- Put your unoriginal, Rob Zombie and Metallica music here.
LASTHUMANSOUND = "lasthuman.mp3"

-- In seconds, the length of the above file. It's important to have this correct or you may get delayed or overlapping music.

-- Sound to play for ambient Un-Life music. Depricated as of v2.0
UNLIFESOUND = "unlife1.mp3"

-- Sound played to a person when they lose the game.
ALLLOSESOUND = "lose_test.mp3"

-- Sound played to a person when they win the game.
HUMANWINSOUND = "humanwin.mp3"

-- Sound played to a person when they die as a human.
DEATHSOUND = "music/stingers/HL1_stinger_song28.mp3"

-- Turn off/on the redeeming system. If you want a really unforgiving environment then you can turn this off.
REDEEM = true

-- Human kills needed for a zombie player to redeem (resurrect). Do not set this to 0. If you want to turn this
-- system off, set AUTOREDEEM to false.

-- Players don't have a choice if they want to redeem or not. Setting to false makes them press F2.
--- End code ---

it is server-side like krasher said

--- End quote ---

Yes, because renaming sound files is something you need Lua for.

ok i want this to be the last time i say this since people dont seem to be reading the posts. you dont need to change the lua code to play what you want, just go to your sounds folder in your gmod directory and replace the current sound file wth your own. this requires no lua changing whatsoever but you can if you want, but thats server side, all its doing is looking for the sound file named lasthuman in your directory and playing it.

i think for random server's zs you need to name it lasthuman_test

we know but we are trying to make this defualt

l prefer to use rick roll or benny hill theme lol

Epic music is Epic


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