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Wire Build Map


Jack [UK]:
A Different Map For Wire


Both Map I Would Recommend For Wire

i like the idea of using mobenix
Apart from several open places people can build on, theres the disco room, bowling, and lots of apartment style rooms. I could picture so much fun with 10 other people :/


--- Quote from: masshuu on March 27, 2010, 10:46:42 PM ---i like the idea of using mobenix
Apart from several open places people can build on, theres the disco room, bowling, and lots of apartment style rooms. I could picture so much fun with 10 other people :/

--- End quote ---

We've not only considered that before, we actually ran it.

It is definitely not worth the effort to maintain.

Crashes clients alot and causes quick net_convar errors.

really that happened


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