Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps
[APROVED]Hello, I am OSHIT, and i am a _______ (respected reqest)
Hello, I am OSHIT, and I play on the rANdOm flood server. I have been playing actively for several weeks now, and I am confident many other players could vouch for my "not a troll" status. This is one of my favorite communities, however there have been many times when i have been on the server, without a Respected, and had to deal with many a minge, unable to kick or ban. It is for this reason that I would want Respected Status. my steam name is cndyjoe, for reference.
i can vouch. He's a good guy. See him on a lot and flood is the most minged server, so I approve of his app. i mean nothing but....
Thanks bro, you are welcome on my boats anytime 8)
hmm i guess he is good but he will probally become a bigger spammer than me :o
good name lol
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