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CFG scripting


I dont know if anyone of you is familliar with .cfg scripts
They are mostly use on Half-life 2 deathmatch but can be used for all source games
I dont know if its usefull for anything, i just wanted to know if other people know something about this too
For an example ( this is easy one to make a trail)
If you look on FPSbanana you can find some noobish ones
This is fun for example wirebuild (respected/admin extra's)
sv_cheats must be 1
Try it in hl2dm / hl2

--- Code: ---give npc_grenade_frag
ent_fire env_spritetrail addoutput "targetname bubles"
ent_fire env_spritetrail addoutput "classname bubles"
ent_fire bubles setparent !activator
ent_fire bubles color "0 255 0"
ent_fire bubles addoutput "lifetime 5"
ent_fire bubles addoutput "startwidth 20"
ent_fire bubles addoutput "endwidth 0.00001"
ent_fire npc_grenade_frag kill

ent_create logic_timer
ent_fire logic_timer addoutput "targetname timer5"
ent_fire timer5 toggle
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "refiretime 0.6"
ent_fire timer5 setparent bubles
ent_fire timer5 enable
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "startdisabled 0"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "UseRandomTime 0"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 0 255 1,.4,-1"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 0 180 70,.4,-1"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 255 0 1,.2,-1"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 0 0 255,.6,-1"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 123 0 215,.8,-1"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 0 255 255,6,-1"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 0 25 105,4,-1"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 32 232 21,6,-1"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 12 120 21 1, -1"
ent_fire bubles setparent !activator
--- End code ---

lol this is not cosidered scripting btw
its just a config file that gives you certian things trust meh gmod i dun think supports them only for server config's

You can make cool stuff with it you know,
without using gmod tools and stuff
Gmod tools can be made scripts

iam trying to say that the only cfg file gmod allows is the server.cfg and thats just the servers settings you cant put stuff like that in there

Yes but if you make an .cfg file you can execute it clientside it does not have to be in the server's cfg , cheats must be enabled then, though

--- Code: ---in console
exec trail
--- End code ---


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