Other Shiz > Boneyard
Help! Unban Request from TTT Server
Hi, I was just about to play in my new favorite RND server Trouble in terrorist town, I joined the game and was waiting for the round to finish... All of a sudden I see the splash screen to Garrys Mod. I check the console to find this "Player:.:RND`=-{DBD}Cobra - Was Banned by Hacking" Now this is total BS. To the people who know me you should know that I never have and never would hack in any way. I Love the RND Servers and would never do anything to screw up my ability to play with such great people. Let alone lose my respected.
So below is the Appeal.
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:1245044
Why you were banned: Server banned me said I was "hacking"
Who banned you?: Server
How long were you been banned for: Unknown
Why should we Unban you?: I have not ever, or will ever hack/cheat anything of the sorts. Its distasteful
Extra Comments: I also noticed that the "Anti Cheat system" Was upgraded from v 0.1 to v 0.2. So I would like to think maybe there was a glitch of some sorts.
This stuff doesnt happen without reason. Check your addons for any potential things that might be considered hax. If you cant find them, post your full list of addons and we will find it for you.
Strange thing happened. About 20 minute later I came back on and everything was fine... and I have been playing for hours now with no problem... Musta been a weird glitch
Banana Hat:
Wintergrove got the same issue.
dont worry rubens working on teh issues
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