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How to Insult Someone Without them Knowing.

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--- Quote from: Banana Hat on March 21, 2010, 04:27:29 PM ---Really? Shitty word play makes you intellectual? People who don't troll on forums are fags? Anyway why would you want to insult someone without them knowing? Simply so you can feel smart by misusing what has been set as a standard medium of communication? That's not being smart, that's being dysfunctional. You must be quite a unique person for being that stupid. ;D

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Excellent. Now I don't even have to type a paragraph!

Say shit to their face.

and to make it not sound like i bashing xexxar



--- Quote from: Xexxar on March 22, 2010, 04:16:31 PM ---Im not quit sure why you are angry?!?!
I dont even know you. Im not quite sure why you all of sudden hate me, who are you...?

Quite really you just appear to be a troll so...  :(

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he hates everyone


--- Quote from: BrotherBlade on March 22, 2010, 04:51:37 PM ---he hates everyone

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holy cock you are already an ubermench


--- Quote from: Sanders on March 22, 2010, 04:52:44 PM ---holy cock you are already an ubermench

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yes i am

but try to stay on topic

This is a distress signal to coolz to lock the topic b4 it is too late and trolls take over!


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