Other Shiz > Boneyard

Reporting .:RND`=-CG FTW

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Yay, first report I think!
So I'm reporting .:RND`=-CG FTW. While I was playing on Flood, he build a boat. When the round started, I raped it with my AR2. After he raged a bit but continued to play, I went afk (making myself breakfast). When I came back, I saw that someone kicked me. After looking at the console, I noticed what happened:

[SolidVote] .:RND`=-CG FTW initiated vote 'Kick player .:RND`=- DoeniDon [CH]?'
[SolidVote] .:RND`=-CG FTW voted yes.
[SolidVote] DarKDeMoN voted yes.
[SolidVote] kaanmula voted yes.
[SolidVote] .::RND`=- HeLLMoÐÐ voted no.
[SolidVote] ^0[^4MM^0]^7WHITE&^1NE^3R^6DY voted no.
.:RND`=-CG FTW: yes
[SolidVote] blackshot1996 voted yes.
[SolidVote] thebangman voted no.
.:RND`=-CG FTW: he destroyed my boat
.::RND`=- HeLLMoÐÐ: WTF???
kaanmula: yes
.:RND`=-CG FTW: well yeah
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
.:RND`=-CG FTW: when i shot his boat
.:RND`=-CG FTW: he also kicked me
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Kicked by vote. You'll have to wait for 5 minutes..
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Kicked by vote. You'll have to wait for 5 minutes..

He's mentioning I kicked him when he was shooting my boat. Not quite correct. When he shot my boat while he was on, I warned him (just warned him), but didn't do anything. Later, he started to moneyround AND shoot the boat he's on (wasn't my boat there). After I gave him several warnings to stop both things, I proceeded to kick him. For moneyrounding and shooting the boat he's on. I guess he understood that kick wrong.

I know it's only a kick, but it was for NO REASON AT ALL (shooting the boat when I'm not even on during fight round) and obviously just for personal revenge. Possible witness would be HellMoDD. I couldn't screen or tape the kick since I was afk while it happened. Also couldn't get his SteamID, but will get it as soon as I see him again.

/Edit: Just got his SteamID.

# 145 ".:RND`=-CG FTW" STEAM_0:1:31029944 10:49 314 0 active

Doeni is totally right i was ingame when this "event" happened
i said wtf i voted no against doeni
idk wtf was CG FTW saying :S

Wow, minges, Don is probably going to lay low in the community now and take RND off his name. One too many minges for him. But yeah, he kicked don for PLAYING THE GAME. I wasn't there but that's basicly it from what I can see....

Tru story :D :D

Yep, This is the same guy I was tellin' coolz about..

He wanted to kick me for shooting his boat too xD


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