Entertainment > Funny Stuffz

I got banned :D

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[SolidVote] [JP]enngawa voted yes.
Fuck them [JP] members lawl


--- Quote from: The Final Boss on March 21, 2010, 05:28:31 AM ---[SolidVote] [JP]enngawa voted yes.
Fuck them [JP] members lawl

--- End quote ---

Saw that guy in build server, he voted yes on a votekick and then asked why that guy was votekicked -_-
He also doesn't understand shit about RND, he thinks that even minges can get respected here lul......Oh wait minges really can get respected here =O nvm then..
And he speaks like Yomo xD

Can I get the script of the physgun piss off device PLS!!?? :-*


--- Quote from: BrotherBlade on March 21, 2010, 09:20:25 AM ---Can I get the script of the physgun piss off device PLS!!?? :-*

--- End quote ---
Its the funniest thing ever, If you put it into stealth mode, its lol.


--- Quote from: Kräsher on March 21, 2010, 09:36:32 AM ---Its the funniest thing ever, If you put it into stealth mode, its lol.

--- End quote ---

So can I get it pl0x?


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