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Favorite Weather?
I like nuclear Winter :D
Boat Sinker:
i like it when its raining cats and dogs and teh chairs in your backyard are flying around cuz of wind =D
Boku No Atama
Thundersnow. The sky is just so awesome when it happens, especially at night when it's completely dark up there, things are just swirling about, lightning flashes and the streetlights make the sky a awesome dark-orange/paleorangeyellowcopper/streetlight flashlight colour that gets darker as it goes up.
And I like how in winter, the same effect where the snow looks so much darker and noticeable to you from the clouds in the Grey sky, and they just swirl about and go nuts, then land on your window and melt. Maybe I also like snow because Bus Cancellations FTW every time it happened as a kid but now they make us go if our bus driver likes to speed and may have been a former New York Taxi Driver... cause we almost crashed on a 2-lane road many times. Many times I was able to touch the roof of the vehicle and go lol.
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