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Nationalism Ftw

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Am I the only Canadian on this forum? ._.



--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on March 20, 2010, 03:13:43 PM ---I hate wars, lets do peace....AND MAKE LOVE  :P

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And I never said I hated war,we're all ways in a fight for survival,I hate that man is destroying nature to make their life easier and more luxurios


--- Quote from: Royal Jester on March 20, 2010, 03:18:58 PM ---And I never said I hated war,we're all ways in a fight for survival,I hate that man is destroying nature to make their life easier and more luxurios

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Primitive animals fight for survival, humans are no longer primitive animals, we are advanced, peace is better then war, we fight everyday even if there is peace anyways, our body is under attack by germs,
We are also in danger every day when we cross the road, breath air full with pollution, peace is the best, cause we are all the same, same species, we aren't supposed to fight each other,
We need to be at peace so we can advance faster and reach other galaxies, populate other planets, meet advanced aliens, or primitive ones.
War is holding us back, war is primitive, useless and stupid.

That's why I hate war =D


Oh and..

--- Quote from: Banana Hat on March 20, 2010, 12:13:45 PM ---Damn this thread got derailed.

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