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Who here doesn't have facebook/myspace?

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devvybabe ♥:

--- Quote from: coolzeldad on March 20, 2010, 06:44:24 PM ---I dun haz any doze fing, but facebook could be useful I suppose.

Actually.. lol

I was cleaning out everything today and knocked the connection lol..

Sorry! At least I didn't have to shut everything down for maintenance. I'm able to do it 'seamlessly' now.

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LOL I can imagine you sweeping floor with broom
and accidentally hitting the connection with ur broom and whispering "crap..." to yourself!
silly coolz :D


--- Quote from: Deviant on March 20, 2010, 06:56:38 PM ---LOL I can imagine you sweeping floor with broom
and accidentally hitting the connection with ur broom and whispering "crap..." to yourself!
silly coolz :D

--- End quote ---
He was cleaning his server and he tripped over the Cables, unplugging them, whilst saying "FUUUUUUU-"

Coolz all ways tries to harvest my Q'S

no truly coolz wasnt cleaning his room he was downloading virus pr0n


--- Quote from: Tomcat on March 20, 2010, 09:12:28 PM ---no truly coolz wasnt cleaning his room he was downloading virus pr0n

--- End quote ---

Oya i forgotz -.-


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