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Sick and twisted
As a lover of evil things,I want to see the most sick,twisted,vile thing you can make in game,if its twisted enough it might make it into my castle
--- Quote from: Royal Jester on March 19, 2010, 02:53:28 PM ---As a lover of evil things,I want to see the most sick,twisted,vile thing you can make in game,if its twisted enough it might make it into my castle
--- End quote ---
Just take zombies, babies, frying pans, knives and saws, put them together inside a room in a "creative" way, spray tons of blood where needed and put dark lights with an E2 chip that makes them go on and off after a certain period of time, also add some spooky noises and VOILA! you have a creepy, spooky, bloody, scary and twisted creation/room.
Enjoy =D
I said sick twisted and vile,not complete cliche
go watch one guy one screwdriver.
i loled this made my day :D :D :D
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