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fun froggy is froggy

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this is my froggy. he died sometime ago. i felt like posting something. if you want to know how he died you dont have to. all im going to say is that my mother is extremely old and her senses are going and thats part of how he died. (ps. i was taking care of him until she decided she knew better)


Nels brother had a frog,we put him outside in his cage for a bit(nel forgets why) when we returned georges eyeballs had been eaten out by ants and his skull,hollowed by the tiny black savages


--- Quote from: Royal Jester on March 19, 2010, 01:56:52 PM ---Nels brother had a frog,we put him outside in his cage for a bit(nel forgets why) when we returned georges eyeballs had been eaten out by ants and his skull,hollowed by the tiny black savages

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ugh nasty.

» Magic «:
Frogs as pets...0_0

devvybabe ♥:

--- Quote from: Royal Jester on March 19, 2010, 01:56:52 PM ---Nels brother had a frog,we put him outside in his cage for a bit(nel forgets why) when we returned georges eyeballs had been eaten out by ants and his skull,hollowed by the tiny black savages

--- End quote ---

Poor frog :(


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