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Mic Spamm0rz

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This is not a complaint, more like a discussion, based off Ruben's post here.

How many times have you guys votekicked/votebanned mic spammers? I'm not talking about people playing crappy music. I'm talking about people shouting into their mics. The people with the really bad mic and/or really annoying voice that talk incessantly to the point that nobody can hear anybody else. Yea yea I know you can mute in the esc menu. Honestly though, isn't a kick fair if the person was justly warned by the people, and then was kicked by the people? It is difficult sometimes to tell whether a mic spammer was being malicious or just ignorant to peoples complaints.

For example, one of the ZS players was being quite annoying yesterday(or more correctly, this morning, it was about 1:something this morning). He was singing into his mic really, really loudly. I probably shouldn't say this (to avoid ruining my chances for admin) but I was about two seconds from kicking them. I said "I know I am not allowed to do this but honestly..." to which another RND member said "Ill do it for you." In the end the spamm0r was not kicked but we had a near unanimous desire to kick him. Sex_kitten and Jim_Onions can verify this story.

True,I havent votekicked/banned anyone for unless I was asked too,if the people don't want the music they can mute,yes,but we mustnt forget t3h niggas out there unable to press mute

i can get by with the mute option, sometimes someone kicks a guy whos mic spamming without even telling them to stop. i usually explain how t0 use the mute option. im typing in short sentances. i know who you're talking about. Why he does it i dont know. theres a solution t all this. use the mute button. anybody who wants to kick them even after having explained how to use the mute option shudDIE.

Perhaps a reason option,like the voteban needs a reason to ban and if the reason isnt detected in the game somehow then the ban wont go through

ive never been kicked or banned for a really annoying Mic before, how funny...


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