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Votekick / voteban

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--- Quote from: -= Magic =- on April 17, 2010, 08:08:03 PM ---

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lulwhut magik :|

Personally... I think votekicking/banning should be restricted to once or twice a day per person.... That way you will only kick someone who really needs it. I mean for goodness sakes, 2 kicks and 2 bans is more than plenty for one day. I haven't gone over that amount in recent memory, and I don't even have a time limit on me. Granted I can do more than just kick and ban.

How about instead, add a new vote, /moneyrounders or something similar. Where it starts a vote identical to the vote-kick/ban system, but instead of kicking someone if it succeeds, it starts a 30 second timer which at the end of it, it kills everyone in game.

Much less abuse-able, much more effective, and much less extreme, than reducing the timer.


--- Quote from: Xrain on April 18, 2010, 04:53:19 AM ---Personally... I think votekicking/banning should be restricted to once or twice a day per person.... That way you will only kick someone who really needs it. I mean for goodness sakes, 2 kicks and 2 bans is more than plenty for one day. I haven't gone over that amount in recent memory, and I don't even have a time limit on me. Granted I can do more than just kick and ban.

How about instead, add a new vote, /moneyrounders or something similar. Where it starts a vote identical to the vote-kick/ban system, but instead of kicking someone if it succeeds, it starts a 30 second timer which at the end of it, it kills everyone in game.

Much less abuse-able, much more effective, and much less extreme, than reducing the timer.

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The /moneyrounders is an awesome idea.
Why didn't i think of that earlier. :|


--- Quote from: Xrain on April 18, 2010, 04:53:19 AM ---Personally... I think votekicking/banning should be restricted to once or twice a day per person.... That way you will only kick someone who really needs it. I mean for goodness sakes, 2 kicks and 2 bans is more than plenty for one day. I haven't gone over that amount in recent memory, and I don't even have a time limit on me. Granted I can do more than just kick and ban.

How about instead, add a new vote, /moneyrounders or something similar. Where it starts a vote identical to the vote-kick/ban system, but instead of kicking someone if it succeeds, it starts a 30 second timer which at the end of it, it kills everyone in game.

Much less abuse-able, much more effective, and much less extreme, than reducing the timer.

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1. I must admit, now that most of them russian have gone back to russia, it is less needed..
2. The moneyrounders thing is good! But like ruben showed, no need for slay when you can launch evrybody in the air or make the gravity -1000 ! lol


--- Quote from: Xrain on April 18, 2010, 04:53:19 AM ---Personally... I think votekicking/banning should be restricted to once or twice a day per person.... That way you will only kick someone who really needs it. I mean for goodness sakes, 2 kicks and 2 bans is more than plenty for one day. I haven't gone over that amount in recent memory, and I don't even have a time limit on me. Granted I can do more than just kick and ban.

How about instead, add a new vote, /moneyrounders or something similar. Where it starts a vote identical to the vote-kick/ban system, but instead of kicking someone if it succeeds, it starts a 30 second timer which at the end of it, it kills everyone in game.

Much less abuse-able, much more effective, and much less extreme, than reducing the timer.

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hell no thats a horrible idea because u will find more than 4 minges on a server
70% of the time everyone votes no then he starts minging again and the ask u to kick/ban them
oh no i cant i used up all of my kicks and Ban's trying to get him out of the game


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