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Darkminds Admin App PEANUT :DDD

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devvybabe ♥:

--- Quote from: DarkMind on March 31, 2010, 01:01:05 PM ---u fucking destroyed Are stuff a billion of times

stop lieing and grow some wont you.

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Let me fix that for you,

"u fucking destroyed OUR stuff a billion times"

"stop LYING and grow some won't you"


--- Quote from: Deviant on March 31, 2010, 02:56:47 PM ---Let me fix that for you,

"u fucking destroyed OUR stuff a billion times"

"stop LYING and grow some won't you"

--- End quote ---

Lol Deviant.

--- Quote from: DarkMind on March 31, 2010, 01:01:05 PM ---Artik stfu your a minge u fucking destroyed Are stuff a billion of times and no one believes me cause you tell them Lies your whole life is a lie your mom is a lie so stfu im tired of your lieing okay fine no one believes me idc they'll just have to deal with your mingeyness okay so stop lieing and grow some wont you.

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STFU you son of a bitch, don't fucking saystuff on my mom you lil bitch, 12 year-old that sounds like a 8 year-old bitch with a big dig in his mouth (most probably his dad raping him everyday lol),
Didn't you notice you're the only one complaining about me being a minge? I do minge SOMETIMES and when I do its a joke or I'm just revenging.

And AFTER I minged you for a BIT, I went to do my stuff and be quiet and then I saw you, teaching some guy about cool stuff so I went with my bike to look, I was watching you for a while, then my bike slipped a bit forwards and pushed that guy a bit, that guy raged and shot my bike with a missile (lolwtf) then you SUDDENLY noticed me and start prop-pushing me, raging on me, suddenly you got pissed about me minging.

I really regret that I didn't record you, don't you understand that I admit if I do something wrong? I don't lie cause there's no point to lie in a GAME, cause you know, even if that gets me banned I can do something else, I have life and stuff to do anyways.

Now after this huge wall of text, I'm not going to argue with a lil kid that minges me for no reason and rages every time I get near him, cause it will be a waste of time, you will never let go and ofcourse you're still too immature to let this past and see how nice I can be, and instead you say bad stuff on me which makes me angry, the bad thing about internet is that I can't see you face-to-face and see your lil whiny face.

Btw no one's dealing with my mingeyness, cause I'm not minging anyone.
Go grow some ballz and a dick, maybe use hormones I don't know, cause you don't have them =D
Have a good day.

Cool Story, Bro.


--- Quote from: Kräsher on March 31, 2010, 03:21:57 PM ---Cool Story, Bro.

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Stfu, and read the whole thing Krasher xD

imma fix it better.

--- Quote from: DarkMind on March 31, 2010, 01:01:05 PM ---Hi.

My name is DarkMind, and I'd like to complain about the so called "ArTIk*BaNAnA". He has destroyed our buldings and contraptions over a hundred times.
I'd really like him to be more mature about his behaviour.Thanks for your time, DarkMind.
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--- Quote from: Kräsher on March 31, 2010, 03:21:57 PM ---Cool Story, Bro.

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