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Pigeon [UK]:
How Do U Get +1? How Do U Lose -1? Who Decides +/-? How Does It Effect You?

» Magic «:

--- Code: ---# Posts: 78
# Karma: +0/-1
# [cheer] [smite]

--- End code ---
You have the option to cheer/smite people, it doesnt really affect you, just the way people think of you

Banana Hat:
Stupid really, Some people become annoying fucks and smite you all the time. Hence my karma.

Pigeon [UK]:
lolwut -5 :(

same with mine banana lol, mine was at 9 and 1, now it is shit because of zomboss lol. But i made sure that i got him back, but he knew it was me so we had like a karma war and it turned out bad :/


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