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Being a woman in a server majority populated by guys.

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Lol, then you watched the wrong pr0nz, watch nice good pr0nz without any "objects".
Its not gross, its beautiful lul.

» Magic «:
How the hell did we get into poon from this thread :S

devvybabe ♥:
*attempts to drive back to the subject originally brought up in thread*


--- Quote from: DeviantFemale on March 06, 2010, 10:18:09 AM ---It just doesn't seem to be likable. To me, I just see two people having sex. Nothing sexy or hot let alone for me to be sexual aroused. Meh.

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Girls aren't so horny, but guys that don't get horny from that....SOMETHINGS WRONG, being horny is in our instincts lul


--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on March 06, 2010, 10:26:07 AM ---Girls aren't so horny, but guys that don't get horny from that....SOMETHINGS WRONG, being horny is in our instincts lul

--- End quote ---

ever heard of sluts or whores?


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