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Being a woman in a server majority populated by guys.

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I never said they didn't love each other.

LOL it would be great if more girls played ^^
(not really)


--- Quote from: Frank on March 25, 2010, 04:13:17 PM ---In jewish religion, women are totally disrespected, in the meaning that they are treated like they must only raise their children, keep the house well, and satisfy their men.

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I think the muslims do that, not the jewish people. Afaik in some of these countries (saudi arabia for example), the woman is just an object. For example, if she says something in front of the court and a man says the opposite, the statement of the man is more important. But yea, maybe they just tell us that to make us hate these countries. :police: :police:


» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Deviant on March 23, 2010, 07:39:49 PM ---its what time? o.0

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