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Being a woman in a server majority populated by guys.

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--- Quote from: Deviant on March 17, 2010, 01:06:57 PM ---I suck majorly in building. D:
I would practice but I just end up sucking more XD

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I'm good at building, but when I started I was SHITTEH at building....like REALLY SHITTEH.
The best thing to do is, to watch tutorials and learn from people that know how to build very good =D

I've read through this whole topic and I figured something out. Notice how none of us bashed defiant about her gender? Because we are not social outcast who minge and make racist comments. The ppl who do that tend to fail at school/sports and have no lives....


--- Quote from: UberLord on March 17, 2010, 01:34:21 PM ---I've read through this whole topic and I figured something out. Notice how none of us bashed defiant about her gender? Because we are not social outcast who minge and make racist comments. The ppl who do that tend to fail at school/sports and have no lives....

--- End quote ---


WHY DO GUYS DO THAT MAN    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:      DUDE Read my app on the chart it says about 5 times is to allways be kind to girls and treat them right :D

i remeber when i was an admin on Awesome Stuntages a SA-MP server and we had 2 girl admins
one of then was krissy and one was a name i cont remeber


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