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Let me fix this for you

--- Quote from: Sanders on March 20, 2010, 02:04:05 PM ---No. We should be proud that we are mastering metal and machine to dump the toxic waste on nature. We should be happy that we are learning to kill the environment to our needs. We should be proud that nature will die with us cause of the damage we have done to it to make our short existance a little bit easier.

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--- Quote from: Sanders on March 20, 2010, 02:04:05 PM ---No. We should be proud that we are mastering metal and machine. We should be happy that we are learning to mould the environment to our needs. We should be proud that the evidence of our existence will not dissipate the second we are gone.

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It will, cause when we will get erased, it will be or from nukes, or from the sun, or from the poison we produce everyday that will consume everything, or it will stay and all the creatures that live on earth will mutate/get extinct/die from hunger/die from heat/die from poison-smoke/die from us =D

Best solution - Venus Project, we have the resources to live more then 10k years in a much better and stronger environment with less crime and pollution =D


--- Quote from: Royal Jester on March 20, 2010, 02:07:13 PM ---Let me fix this for you

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If you would rather be just some animal that fills its niche and dies so be it. Ill be busy partaking in capitalism.


--- Quote from: Sanders on March 17, 2010, 07:40:24 PM ---Furry is not a sexual prefrence. It is a weird obsession.

--- End quote ---

I prefer anthros over humans, therefore it's a sexual preference.


You know what Jester? You are right and wrong.

You are right because all the stuff you said about what we are doing is true.
You are wrong because it makes our lifes easier and what you said will happen obviosouly WON'T.

Now shut up. Your annoying lust to save nature single handedly is getting pretty fucking annpoying!


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