Other Shiz > Boneyard
How to catch Name Changers.
Krasher's How-To on Catching a Name Changerin plain english1.) Run into a name changer.
2.) Exchange looks.
Krasher: :l
Minge: l:
Krasher: :l
Minge: o:
Krasher: :O
Frank: >:{U
3.) Type "status" into the console by pressing "~".
4.) Get A Screenshot/Mental image of the names.
5.) Repeat steps 3 & 4, Then go onto the next step.
6.) Quit the game.
~Note: Screeshots will be located in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\username\garrysmod\garrysmod\screenshots~
7.) Go Here: http://forum.randomgs.co.cc/index.php/board,30.0.html
8.) Make a new topic entitled, "Name Changer."
9.) Make Sure you have the pictures upload somewhere!
10.) Put the imgae links into the post using the following code:
--- Code: ---[img][/img]
--- End code ---
, or simply by pressing the picture of 'Mona Lisa' while making the post.
11.) Make sure to give a simple explanation of what was going on.
12.) Wait for an admin to ban the player.
13.) Make a "Happy Faic."
14.) Go on to play another day.
Simple, ;).
--- Quote ---Sticky Please
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Or a more accurate method:
1. Find a name changer
Jerk: I HAtez JOO
Xrain: Ever floats your boat
Xrain: Oh the humanity
2. Fire up your Quantum Entanglement Analyzation Preamplifier (QEAP)
3. Make sure the Quantum Proxy humidifier is full
4. Use the QEAP to measure the quantizative normalizations between you and the suspected name changer
5. Fire up your Hyperbolic Mass Accelerator (HMA).
6. Once Positive Quantizative Normalization has been verified, use the pythagrian theorm, using the number from the QEAP as A, and the speed of light (c) as b.
7. Input the resultant C into the Hyperbolic Mass Accelerator normalizer.
8. Once the HMA cycles, open the Quantum Reactant Chamber and take out the slice of toast that appeared.
9. Add the slice of toast to your library of other suspected name changers.
- Problem dealt with!-
lol, all the getting of two statuses does is single out his ID. lol
How to catch a noob: Name changers
* Go to console and type status once, wait for the noob to namechange again, and type status again.
* Copy bothx "status results" to a notepad.
* Search for double names in both results.
* When you find 4 names(2 pairs of dupes), compare IDs.
* Got teh haxor.
* Tell admin ID.Pawnage.
--- Quote from: .I'm_James_:D. on March 04, 2010, 04:21:23 PM ---Everyone stfu, this is Krashers post not yours
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