Creative Arts > Music
DJ Party Krasher -- Voices
This one is more my style, ^-^.
DJ Krasher -- Voices
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This song was made because one day, it was snowing, and I felt like breaking out the ol' skills. I am even using my decks in this! (For Scratching Sample Purposes)
Jetstodown :}:
o hai thar pot head wt program and stuff u use to makez dat shiz :D
This one was nice.....not really my type and was pretty boring =\
Though the voice made it better.
--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on March 05, 2010, 01:50:58 AM ---This one was nice.....not really my type and was pretty boring =\
Though the voice made it better.
--- End quote ---
haha, :P
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