Tech Lounge > Mapping


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--- Quote from: Frank on March 04, 2010, 02:28:44 PM ---I LOL'D HARD

--- End quote ---
and my quilted northern

  Thank you for the comments :P I had not considered chem zombies, so I'm reworking the design a little bit. In the meantime, here's the very first rendering of FatBot 1.0. He will be helping you on your journey through the high tech installation (hallway) to fend off the zombie infestation. How, you ask? That's a super secret! (will not be unbalanced, I promise)

  I haven't UV mapped him yet, so the textures are stretched and out of place, nor is his body complete. Oh, if you haven't noticed, the theme of the map is futuristic space station or base on a planet.

Sounds innovative! Any idea when you will release it?

When it's ready is all I can say. Right now Dark Skies takes up most of my time, and there's no telling when that will be completed.

 I've begun testing on FatBot and trying to get him implemented, since that is something I've never done before and I want to get it out of the way. He won't play a huge role, in fact, none at all if you don't mess with him.

No spoilers!


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