Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Community Admin Apps

ReDone Xexxar Admin Application

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Hello, Its Xexxar again making another more recent admin application.

Name: Alex
Age: 6 (lol 15)
Steam name: Xexxar
Steam ID: Lazy, I'll get it later.
Location: Dat place in amerika
Education: Smart
Coding Knowledge: A lot of lua and some mapping.
Average Online Time per 2 Weeks: 119 Hours.
Playing Time on RND: I have been on RND since August (8 months.) Registered October 1st.
Administration Experience: I have been admin on my friends sandbox and a few other places.

Why I would like administrational responsiblilities:
I want to be admin to help RND. I have been noticing a lot of hackers on ZS, and general mingy players. (People that try to prop kill and cade break, a nusience to ZS players) Also people are generally being more disruptive of flood and sled build. If you know me you know that I play alot. I already tend to help out people when problems occur on other servers. However I dont enjoy leaving when im on a kill streak or human. With administration I could simply redeem myself after I helped the other server.

Want I want to change for the better of RND:
I do not want to keep the way respected is earned currently. Respected means respected. Not someone who takes time to type a little about themselves.
I think that the map changer on zs needs to be changed to only be able to do the same map after 4 times.
I want to make it so people who are worthy of things get them. People like sanders have been playing for a year. I think that there should be a spot between respected and admin. You could call it Moderator. The person is allowed to kick and slay players.
I also want to change the way flood works. The constant messages complaining of afks riding on boats when everyone is dead is annoying me. We could make a team script. Like team red, team blue, team yellow. Etc...
Wire is wire so liek...
Roleplay is vitually empty... My idea is so take the slots from that and use them to create an scars game. You could have races on gm_speedway_v2 and contests and all that fun.

I want to help RND for the better. Consider adding me to help you.

Hooray for your first +1!

Add more info


Edit:// Nothing to do with RND ^

No, -1.

devvybabe ♥:
Oh god so sexxy.


--- Quote from: DeviantFemale on March 03, 2010, 04:06:21 PM ---Oh god so sexxy.

--- End quote ---



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