Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps

My name is me4488

(1/2) > >>

O hai, my name's "Niki" or in game "me4488" (people can call me meh), but enough about that.
OK, here's the boring part:
Age: 14 and a half.
Location: Bulgaria
Hobbies: Video games, basketball, LEGO (i know...), I go to the gym once a week
Games I play: GMOD, Assassin's creed II(gonna be a lil busy till completion), CS:S(rarely) and that's pretty much it.
Contacts:4 e-mails(not gonna mention them), steam: me4488, Skype: niki448
Playtime: every week mon-fri 20:00-22:00 (GMT+2) weekends randomly, depends on the time i got left.
N.B: note that i am using cracked steam because Bulgaria is isolated from the online shopping world.
P.S. studying spanish  :P
P.S. 2 Reasons why i wanna be respected: You know  ;)

i luvz lego.

Entonces, estoy acceptado?

» Magic «:

Welcome, To .:~`=-rANdOm-=`~:.!

Please read through these rules first:,2.0.html

If you have any questions ask these people!,1087.0.html

Please have fun and respect everyone!


eeeh gonna start being anoying :'( so, lil explication of how to get respected rights and uh... how to join a group in steam... Thanks


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