Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Server Requests/Suggestions

Rnd ppl..i have a request...SORRY 4 BEING LIKE A BUBBLE GUM!

(1/4) > >>

Hey, if you dont want to, dont accept this request. I wanna be admin. Not just for being and say "HAKSKAHKHSK I R ADMINZ ND U DNT BITCHEZ LULULLZ", i wont abuse if u accept. the reason for i wanna be admin its bcuz there are a LOT of problems in RND servers and admins are not always on...

...So i wanna be the one who solves that problems (minges, excesive props in sandbox, hackers in ZS, etc)...can i?

I say to you again, you dont have to say yes, but i'd really like to be admin. (taking in count that im a newbie in the forums, i have in minds all the problems in the servers)

I know this isnt the section (i suck at putting topics in the right section) but i cant remove it. Sorry.


--- Quote ---...So i wanna be the one who solves that problems (minges, excesive props in sandbox, hackers in ZS, etc)...can i?
--- End quote ---

you will have to wait in line sadly, and nice "app"

"app"? lol


--- Quote from: Chik0r0 on March 02, 2010, 06:53:32 PM ---"app"? lol

--- End quote ---

Here Look at a real app:,2123.0.html
Dont hesitate to read it or vote while your there!


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