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Sorry for being so annoying...but wtf

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hello, today i was playing ZS and i tried to make a votekick, and guess what? it said "You must be respected to use this command" Why im not respected anymore? what did i do? :( thx 4 ur attention


--- Quote from: Chik0r0 on March 02, 2010, 11:00:58 AM ---hello, today i was playing ZS and i tried to make a votekick, and guess what? it said "You must be respected to use this command" Why im not respected anymore? what did i do? :( thx 4 ur attention

--- End quote ---

were you trying to kick the name changers?  it won't work anyway.

i dont say it bcuz of that, i say it bcuz i just wrote "votekick" and when i pressed enter said that

» Magic «:
admin has banned you before, or you've been demoted

the question is "why". I didnt made anything bad! i just got offline for a long time bcuz my laptop got f*ed


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