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Retroactive: The Application

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Hi there.

  I am Retroactive. I just got back to the Gmod scene a month or two ago, and immediately found your ZS server because of the good ping and high player count. Up until now, I didn't realize RND had a website! So, after spending so much time on the server, I think ít's my new permanent favorite and have decided to apply for respected just in case any mingebags decide to show up.

 Now, about me. I live in Deming, New Mexico, just 10 miles from the border to Mexico (in the US). I'm getting ready to go to college and plan to major in software engineering. I enjoy spending days at the computer modeling, texturing, mapping, and watching the random videos on YouTube. Currently I'm helping Lap with his gamemode, Dark Skies. I'll put a link to it and some other cool things at the end of the post. This, being the second gamemode I've worked on (the first being Lap's WarMelons:RTS as a mapper), has been entered into the Fretta contest in hopes of winning the prize! :D

 As for real life, well, I don't get out much and prefer it that way. Living in the desert, there is alot of dirt everywhere that I don't enjoy. Anyways, onto the other stuff.

Name: Retroactive
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:5429663
Friend(s): I'd consider Cake Face a friend, but I'm not sure he would do the same as we've only played together a few times.
Favourite subject(s): As in school subjects? Probably science.
Age: 20
Birthday: 12.19.89
Education: College: Game Design (made it through one semester, decided to change paths), Phlebotomy (fallback), Computer Repair (for the A+ Cert to get a stronger feel for computers. Also took Network+ classes, but haven't taken the test yet.).
Builds:  As in..on sandbox? Anything, really. My first contraption was a flying bathtub with a turret roped onto it in Gmod 6 or 7. Nowdays it's really whatever I feel like.
Games: HL2 series, Gmod, CSS, Fallout 3, TF2, WoW, Portal. Just the ones I play currently.
Location: Deming, NM
How to contact me:, or add me as a steam friend. [CZ] Retroactive --

Cool links:
Dark Skies ModDB Link
The Doko 7 (new WIP for DS) Profile

Thanks for reading!

i has feeling joo used to pleh runeskapez.

» Magic «:
Helloo, Admin Approved ^-^, Give link to a Administrator In-Game to have them promote you :D

Thank you!

Yes, as a matter of fact I did play Runescape in High School during my typing classes. I've moved on from it, of course, and hope never to return :)

Congratulations on respected. Do not abuse it or it can be taken away, I'm Gary you can add my steam 'pancakes4you', and I can help you out with any questions regarding RND or steam.


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