Other Shiz > Boneyard

I failed on ZS...hard


Cake Face:
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19485176 07:29 52 0 active

Why you were banned: After being on alot of servers with aimbotter's, i decided to see what it was all about and only went on single player with it. Meh, I dont need it and i'll uninstall it. So then after I though to disable it, I went an joined ZS. Little did I know it was still activated...and the server pwned me. Hard.

Who banned you?: Teh server

How long were you been banned for: Idk, 5 minutes

Why should we Unban you?: I didnt actually want to use it for any purpose other then singleplayer crap. But to my amusement and in the constant fear of Dr.Hax being behind me I uninstalled it anyway. But I hope you guys know I dont play with haxs. Right...RIIIIGHHTT?

That's unfortunate maybe you'll get a 2nd chance.

Careful with hacks you don't want a vac ban .


--- Quote from: cssfps on February 28, 2010, 08:38:16 PM ---That's unfortunate maybe you'll get a 2nd chance.

Careful with hacks you don't want a vac ban .

--- End quote ---
VAC won't detect Lua hacks


--- Quote from: CommanderEddy on March 01, 2010, 02:43:21 AM ---VAC won't detect Lua hacks

--- End quote ---
Butttttttt... we do :) n.n


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