Other Shiz > Boneyard
Un Kickable/Banable Player
Pigeon [UK]:
--- Quote from: xXTheStrikerXx on March 01, 2010, 04:55:12 AM ---just take a part from his name. ::)
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Yh I Tryd That
Boat Sinker:
IS HIS NAEM MADE UP OF FOREIGN OR Weird ass letters? because normally the votekick system cant recognize them and will end up kicking sum1 else
DUDE, BOAT, GTFO! If you're not leaving, then you're an ass.
You amde that idioty post and you come everytime. wtfisdat!?
Pigeon [UK]:
--- Quote from: Ruben on March 01, 2010, 05:28:48 AM ---1-. Post a complete status list.
2-. Try even post a .dem file... please... read http://forum.randomgs.co.cc/index.php/topic,974.0.html
3-. Trying to ban a name changer its like doing a votemute on urmom when u do something wrong and u keep muting ur dad that is helping you. LoL.
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Ok this isnt a name changer i think its an rnd glitch (hes about 9 or so so he couldnt hack) when i try to ban or kick him typing "i" or "cant" or "do" or "it" or
"i cant do it" it bans or kicks someone else the next time i have a reason to kick or ban him ill make a vid of it
Just type votekick /ban cant
i tried before with his whole name
Like when i type votekick I cant Do it it kicks Pigeon [UK]
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